Tag: emergency care

Factors To Consider When Looking For After Hours Vet

Factors To Consider When Looking For After Hours Vet

Emergencies for humans are already a risky challenge to experience. Notably, spending the night trying to call a dentist or doctor can either be rewarding or irritating. A pet may have the same situation where an urgent after hours vet is needed. Fractures in bones due to dog fights or a cat with a broken fang (canine tooth) leads to severe bleeding. Just like people, pets may need a specialist to treat their emergency.

Vet center for pet urgent care

in need of pet urgent care

Have you ever had trouble getting an appointment with your vet when you absolutely need it? Maybe your pet was suffering from a toenail rupture or diarrhea and you didn’t want to wait for hours to get treatment. Imagine a more serious situation, your pet fell from a height and starts to bleed. Now he needs urgent care, right? Read more about how to handle such emergencies.