What To Do If Your Dog Pulled Muscle In Back Leg?

dog pulled muscle in back leg

If your dog pulled a muscle in back leg, there are a few things you need to do. Since dogs are unable to tell us using words that they are feeling pain, this article will discuss how to tell when your dog is experiencing muscle pain. On a similar topic, your pet might experience muscle pain just like you; you can click the link to learn more.

What is a pulled muscle?

A pulled muscle is caused by trauma or injuries that cause stress to the area. Pulled muscles can be caused by landing wrongly after a jump or after other indirect injuries to the leg. Just like in humans, this can cause intense pain to the dog when they walk or put weight on the affected leg.

Signs of a pulled muscle in dogs

Much as we would like to believe that we understand our pets, they do not speak out language, so we have to look out for physical signs of pain and distress from them when they are feeling pain.


If your dog has a limp or does not walk normally, they may be experiencing pain on the lifted leg. The dog may be avoiding to put weight or strain on their leg because of a pulled muscle.


Swelling may sometimes be present on a leg with a pulled muscle. Your dog might whimper in pain when you touch the tender area; this is a sign that something is wrong.


If there is discoloration or bruising on the leg of your pet, it may be a sign that a muscle was pulled. If you have a dog with thick fur, you may have to brush the coat away to check their skin under the fur to check for bruising.

However, if the tear is only minimal, these signs may not be noticeable even if the dog is in pain.

See a vet

dog pulled muscle in back leg

If you sense that your dog is in pain, or if you are aware that your dog may have landed the wrong way after a jump but is not showing signs of a muscle tear, it is a good idea to bring them to see a vet. The vet will be able to detect signs that you may have missed. They will conduct physical tests on your pet, like touching the area of the suspected injury.

If the vet sees that your pet pulled or strained a muscle, they will be able to tell you what treatment methods are available to help your pet.

How to treat pulled muscles

There are a few remedies you can try at home first, before taking your dog to see a vet. Cold compresses, compression bandages and letting your dog rest may do the trick to alleviate their pain and relieve the muscle soreness.

However, if the symptoms persist, it is a good idea to see a vet about your dog’s condition. The vet will be able to detect if your dog pulled muscle in back leg and inform you about the best treatment methods available.


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